Wednesday, 11 May 2011

LED dimming using Binary Code Modulation

The reason behind this article is to introduce Binary Code Modulation to a wider audience. Binary Code Modulation(BCM) is an alternative to Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to control frequency insensitive devices, such as LEDs. Both of these methods are described.

There are more than two methods of LED dimming available (for example error diffusion), but these are not coveraed in this article. Example code is provided for Binary Code Modulation that demonstrates 8 channels of 8-bit (256 values) dimming.

OK, so you had enough with blinking LED. Let’s try dimming an LED instead!
a. Make your first blinking LED program
b. Change the delays to be 1/100th of a second rather than 1 second
c. Run the code.
And there you are, your LED will be dimmer.
The first example demonstrates that despite controlling the LED in an essentially binary fashion (it is only ever on or off), the human eye can be fooled into believing that the LED is being dimmed. All we need to do is repeatedly turn it on and off at high speed.

In the first example, where the LED is on for the same amount of time as off, it has a "duty cycle" of 50%. This simply means that the LED is on for 50% of the time. If we changed the delays so that the LED is off for twice as long as it's on, then it would have a duty cycle of 33%. i.e. It would be on for an average of 33% of the time.

Duty cycle is calculated as; time-on / total-time
It is often stated as a percentage, rather than as a fraction.
The eye isn't sensitive to the frequency at which an LED is flashing so it could fool us again. An LED running at 50% duty cycle on a 1khz frequency will look the same brightness as an LED running at 50% duty cycle on a 15khz frequency. The eye averages the on-s and off-s regardless of their exact timing. It doesn't even matter if the pattern of on-s and off-s are not regular. It is the average on-time that counts.
e.g. The following three patterns, if repeated rapidly enough, are exactly the same from each other by eye;

On to the different methods of creating these "dimming" patterns...

PWM - Pulse Width Modulation
This is a system where an output signal is turned on at a normal frequency, and off a certain fraction through the duty cycle. The required duty cycle determines the 'off' point. A 10% duty cycle will have it is "off" point 10% through the cycle. A 90% duty cycle would have the "off" point 90% through the cycle. The following graphs all show a PWM output of the exact same frequency, but with different duty cycles.

Built in to all AVR microcontrollers are at least one hardware PWM generator. If you only need to dim
a couple of LEDs then the in-built PWM channels are probably the best solution for you. They are well understood, easy to set-up, and have little or no processor overhead whilst they are running: You set the base frequency and the duty cycle, and that’s all. No software intervention is needed. Changing the duty cycle is as simple as changing a register value.

The problem is that Hardware PWM channels are limited in number. If you want to independently dim more LEDs than the number of PWM channels on your uC then you're going to change some few things.
There is a technique called 'software PWM'. This well known method makes cunning use of the hardware timers to run some (software) PWM outputs. It is more complicated than hardware PWM (at least to initially code) and also needs a reasonable level of processor time to run. But is a good solution when your duty cycle must be at a fixed frequency. A fixed frequency is not a necessity for LEDs.

Software PWM can be very helpful if you want high resolution control of only a small portion of the whole duty cycle, for example hobby servos very often need at 8 bits (or more) of resolution on duty cycles in the range 5 to 10 percent.

AVRFreak's projects page is always a good source for code and ideas (you'll need to be a logged-in member to view the projects section though). Many Software PWM implementations are based on Atmel's application note AVR136: Low-Jitter Multi-Channel Software PWM.

Binary Code Modulation
Binary Code Modulation (also known as Bit Angle Modulation) makes use of a key property of binary numbers : As you work up through each digit, the weight of each bit doubles in value.
If we have a 4-bit code, the bottom bit represents "1", the next bit "2", the next bit "4" and finally the top bit has a weighting of "8". e.g. 1101 in binary represents a decimal value of 13; (1 + 0 + 4 + 8)
We can make use of this by assigning a delay to the weighting of each bit, and turning on/off the LED to match the bit.
e.g. If we want to display an LED at a duty cycle of 13/15ths, then we could light the LED in the following manner;
ON for 1 tick (because the bottom bit is a 1)
OFF for 2 ticks (because the next bit is a 0)
ON for 4 ticks (because the next bit is a 1)
ON for 8 ticks (because the top bit is a 1) and then repeat.
That would give the following output:

This would mean that in each cycle of 15 ticks (1+2+4+8), the LED would be on for 13 ticks (1+0+4+8).
This 4-bit process can be easily extended to 8-bits (or even further).
E.g. to display an LED at 33% duty cycle with 8-bit precision, we simply take the 8-bit binary representation of 33%, which is 85/255ths or 01010101 in binary. If we therefore light the LED in the following manner:
ON for 1 tick (because bit 0 is 1)
OFF for 2 ticks (because bit 1 is 0)
ON for 4 ticks (because bit 2 is 1)
OFF for 8 ticks (because bit 3 is 0)
ON for 16 ticks (because bit 4 is 1)
OFF for 32 ticks (because bit 5 is 0)
ON for 64 ticks (because bit 6 is 1)
OFF for 128 ticks (because bit 7 is 0) we will get the following output:

The LED will have been on for 85 of the total 255 ticks. That's 33% of the time, just as we need. So, for 8-bit precision, we will only have to set the LEDs' state at eight fixed points per cycle, regardless of the duty cycle chosen. It is a very predictable method with identical timing overheads for all possible duty cycles. 

There are no 'special cases' for 0% or 100%. If we wish to control lots of LEDs at a time, they can all share those 8 fixed "change" points per cycle - we just need to set the on/off state for each LED.

Generalising the above to "what to do in each 'slice' of the binary pattern" gives:
Set all LEDs according to bit n of their duty cycle value. delay for 2n ticks.
That is then repeated for each of the bit positions in the duty cycle value.

The following code is (hopefully) a relatively simple implementation of this. It controls eight LEDs on a single port. The only 'clever' thing it does is to pre-calculate the port-setting required at each of the bit positions so that the interrupt handler would be very simple.

The code runs on an 8Mhz Mega8 and uses a 'tick' of 64 processor cycles. That means a base frequency of 488hz for the binary code. For reasons why even this speed might not be fast enough, see the "Complications: How fast to (not) flicker" section.

Copyright (c) 2008, Nigel Batten.
Contactable at <firstname>.<lastname>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
85/255th duty cycle
A demonstration of binary code modulation LED dimming.
Nigel Batten, 2008
Written for a 'factory setting' Mega8 (highbyte: 0xd9, lowbyte: 0xe1)
e.g. running on 1Mhz internal RC oscillator.
Outputs a 'sweep' pattern on LEDs connected to port D.
Could be extended to handle more ports.
Could be modified to mask off pins used for other purposes.
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
// define the processor speed if it's not been defined at the compilers command line.
#ifndef F_CPU
#define F_CPU 1000000
volatile uint8_t g_timeslice[8] ; // one byte for each bit-position being displayed on a port.
volatile uint8_t g_tick = 0;
volatile uint8_t g_bitpos = 0; // which bit position is currently being shown
void led_init( void ) ;
void led_encode_timeslices( uint8_t a[] );
__attribute((OS_main)) int main(void)
uint8_t brightness[8]; // brightness for each LED on port D.
led_encode_timeslices( brightness ) ;
// now a (simple) demonstration...
// In the real-world, you'd probably want to decouple the
// animation speed from the LED flicker-rate.
uint8_t slowtick = 30;
uint8_t position = 0 ;
while(g_tick==0){ /*wait for g_tick to be non-zero*/ }
g_tick = 0 ; //consume the tick
// make each of the LEDs slightly dimmer...
for ( uint8_t index = 0 ; index < 8 ; index++ )
if (brightness[ index ] > 0) brightness[ index ]-- ;
// once every 50 ticks, advance the head of the sweep...
slowtick-- ;
if (slowtick==0)
slowtick = 30;
position++ ;
position &= 7 ;
brightness[ position ] = 100 ;
// and now re-encode all the timeslices...
led_encode_timeslices( brightness ) ;
// simple initialisation of the port and timer
void led_init( void )
PORTD = 0x00 ; // All outputs to 0.
DDRD = 0xff ; // All outputs.
TCCR2 |= (1<<WGM21) ; // set the timer to CTC mode.
TCCR2 |= ((1<<CS21)|(1<<CS20)) ; // use clock/32 tickrate
g_bitpos = 0 ;
OCR2 = 1 ; // initial delay.
TIMSK |= (1 << OCIE2) ; // Enable the Compare Match interrupt
// encode an array of 8 LED brightness bytes into the pattern
// to be shown on the port for each of the 8 timeslices.
void led_encode_timeslices( uint8_t intensity[] )
uint8_t portbits = 0;
uint8_t bitvalue ;
for ( uint8_t bitpos = 0 ; bitpos < 8 ; bitpos++ )
portbits = 0;
bitvalue = 1 ;
for ( uint8_t ledpos = 0 ; ledpos < 8 ; ledpos++ )
if (intensity[ ledpos ] & (1 << bitpos)) portbits |= bitvalue ;
bitvalue = bitvalue << 1 ;
g_timeslice[ bitpos ] = portbits ;
// Timer interrupt handler - called once per bit position.
g_bitpos ++ ;
g_bitpos &= 7;
PORTD = g_timeslice[ g_bitpos ] ;
// now set the delay...
TCNT2 = 0;
OCR2 <<= 1 ;
if (g_bitpos == 0) OCR2 = 1 ; // reset the compare match value.
if (g_bitpos == 7) g_tick = 1 ; // give the main loop a kick.
Note: (technical)
Reducing the 'tick' below 64 processor cycles means using a timer pre-scaler of 8 or less. The problem with doing that is that the time to get into and out of the interrupt handler is longer than 8 cycles, hence all the delays between bits are wonky and the "average on duration" will not be as expected. If you really want to increase the frequency, and are feeling masochistic driven by a good challenge, it is possible to roll-up the shorter duration ticks (with lots of careful cycle counting) into a single trip through the interrupt handler. That, of course, comes at the expense of spending loads of time in the interrupt handler (which is generally tutted at) and much more complicated code. I had to do this for a caving lamp where peripheral flickering would not be tolerated.

Binary Code Modulation is also known as Bit Angle Modulation (I still don't really understand why!). There is an excellent article which provides an alternative description and also covers other forms of LED control. I don't like using the 'Bit Angle Modulation' moniker though, primarily because I don't understand what it means, but also because 'BAM' sounds rather less elegant than the method actually is!

How fast to (not) flicker:
"24fps is fast enough for film, therefore 48hz is fast enough for me."
I'm afraid that isn't true. A 48hz LED will be easily identifiable as flickering and, indeed, distracting.
I can best describe the reason behind this by way of a thought-experiment:
Consider swinging a 48hz LED slowly around in a circle at the end of your arm. Aim for about one rotation per second. In that circle, the LED will light up 48 times. Each 'on' period would be larger than the size of a minute mark on a clock of a similar size. It would be very easy to see the individual on and off periods.
Note: From personal experience, if you try this experiment in reality, make sure that the batteries for your LED device are well held - It's alarming how fast an AAA battery can travel from the end of a slingshot even if your LED's intended application does not involve it being swung around, it will move around relative to someone's gaze. As an observer's gaze passes across the LED, the on-and-off periods will be clearly visible and are likely to be distracting.

I would suggest using 240hz as a minimum for the base-frequency for any LED, and higher if the LED is expected to be moving faster  within a field-of-view, or in an environment where many eye-fixations are likely.
Gamma correction:
An LED running at 50% duty cycle appears much brighter than half the full brightness. This is because the eye's response to light is not linear.
To put it another way:
The perceived difference between 1% and 2% duty cycle is very marked.
There is no perceptible difference (to me) between 98% and 99% duty cycle.

The solution is to apply gamma correction to the duty cycles. Suffice to say, you'll need more than 8 bits of accuracy to have truly smooth fading with LEDs. As usual,

AVRFreaks has a great thread that covers this (and also touches on colour mixing).
Most of these complications shouldn't be a problem for the majority of applications. 8 bits of not-gamma-adjusted LED dimming gives impressive results for relatively little work.
This article has given a brief overview of just a couple of methods of dimming LEDs using microcontrollers. In the lists below, I have summarised points about each method, not to find a 'winner', but to help guide you to which method might be suitable for your application. If you're just dimming a single LED then hardware PWM is probably your best bet. If you want to control five or six RGB LEDs from a single AVR, then I'd suggest Binary Code Modulation as a solution (each colour is a separate channel of output). If you're playing with several hobby servo motors, then Software PWM is probably for you. 

Hardware PWM
Very well known method.
Easy to use.
Zero processor overhead.
Limited number of channels.
Accurate output of a single frequency.
Suitable for all types of output; speakers, motors, bulbs, LEDs, servo motors (obviously with other driver hardware between the uC and the device)
Only a 16-bit PWM is really suitable for controlling servo motors, as the duty cycle is restricted to 10% to 20%.
Can have a very high frequency
A good solution if you only need to control a few LEDs and the appropriate pins are available for use.

Software PWM

Well known
several implementations available
Quite high processor overhead
Multiple channels possible
Accurate, single-frequency output.
Also suitable for LEDs, motors, bulbs etc.
Can be modified to make it especially useful for hobby servo motors
Can run at up to about 500hz for 8-bit resolution
Binary Code Modulation
Less well known
Not many implementations 'in the wild'.
Lower processor overhead than software PWM
Can run as many channels as you like
Suitable for any frequency-instensitive outputs, such as LEDs, bulbs and DC motors.
Not suitable for servo motors.
Can easily run at around 500hz, and with some work up to 15khz for 8-bit resolution on an 8Mhz processor.
Fixed timings and overheads regardless of the duty cycle
An excellent solution for LEDs.
Relatively easy to adapt for charlieplexing.


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